

Mjolinar Shipyards
Name Mjolinar Shipyards
Ticker MJOLI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98118331

Members [0]


The Guardians of Peace always Prepare for War.

Extremely New-Player friendly.

We are a corporation of PvPers, Mission Runners, and explorers dedicated to the cause of protecting their alliance, diving into wormholes, and seeking ISK wherever it may be found.

Features and Offerings -

- We supply PvP ships for our members, you don't have to risk your prized and hard-earned possessions here, our alliance creates great bundles of ships for your PvP disposal.

- Ship replacement programs for when personal ships are lost in Fleet PvP Operations.

- Mission Running assistance and salvaging buddies. We can help you boost standings to get access to other missions, and also provide salvage support so you can get the most out of your missions possible.

- Dedicated industrialist support from our sister corporations within the alliance enables you access to cheap and nearby ammunition and modules on YOUR schedule.

We have Ventrilo Support, not required to join us -- but it's there for the fun of all.

Alliance is U.S. and U.K. Time Zone-oriented.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-04-28 08:40:27
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