

Nordic Brony Aliance
Name Nordic Brony Aliance
Ticker PON-3
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7.7%
corporationID 98118417

Members [0]


Hi we are a Brony corp who is trying to grow, and we want you to join. This is a corp in which we want to find friends and run missions so no hating on other members. You are not required to be a Brony to join the corp but keep in mind that it was founded by Bronies. And to the Bronies in the corp, we don't want any one to feel like they are being forced to do something. So don't push the non Bronies around. All complains will be looked on with the out most seriousness. And if needed to we will kick Brony and non Brony alike.

If you have any questions just ask me Erik Keys, Dusan Kautsuo or Lucy Ambrose who also is our CEO& Founder

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-07-03 08:26:45
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