

Omega Combined Forces
Name Omega Combined Forces
Ticker OMG.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98126458

Members [0]



So your new!! you've just got your ibis and landed yourself in a station wondering what the hell to do.......

Well the first thing is stop spinning your ibis and come join us, we are looking for new and old players alike for Industrial, missions and the odd chance of possibly getting into some trouble with the law.

we offer our members the chance to take part in everything from mining fleets with boosts so you can mine more and make loads of isk, to small gang pvp roams into low and 0.0 sec.

if you like what your hearing and you want to join us then what the hell you waiting for..........

Join OMG. Channel for detials

we require full unlocked api keys for all your toons for security checks no API = Auto Declined Application.

CEO (EU) Hydra 12
CEO (US) Big Vic
CO-CEO RSMaverick
Head Director -
Head Diplomat -

"Omega Corp building better worlds......"

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-12-10 08:38:03
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API J:21 Mar 02:41 K:21 Mar 02:36 C:21 Mar 03:09 A:21 Mar 03:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 03:05 S:21 Mar 02:41 W:21 Mar 02:15