

Black Crystal Industries
Name Black Crystal Industries
Ticker IND-B
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98128781

Members [0]


Black Crystal Industries are looking for great people to add to our growing team. If you're looking for a laidback corp that doesn't have strict requirements or demands that you be active then we could be ideal for you!

Eve might be a great game but we all understand that RL has to come first...

What we do:

* Hi-Sec Mining
* Hi-Sec mission running
* We have an Orca for mining operations and run our own POS
* You can join us on level 4 missions to earn ISK and improve standings quickly
* We provide support and training to help you succeed in EvE
* NRDS policy - Not hostile, don't shoot!
* Weekly fleet operations with many impromptu ops happening throughout the week

A few other points:

* We are new player friendly (and old!)
* We have no SP (skill point) requirements for entry
* We are casual, laidback and friendly
* We cover both US and EU timezones
* Our primary language is English
* Our members come from a wide range of experience levels
* We are growing and have many opportunities for advancement!

We love to have a laugh during ops (mining especially) and our chat channel can get a little graphic. We are all mature players but some of us don't understand the concept of a "line in the sand". So if the following is disgusting/disturbing to you, or perhaps just not funny, then we may not be the corp for you;

Limericks written by corp members during mining ops

There was once a pilot called Achillies,
Who's orca gave his corp mates the willies,
It could handle a big load
Was the size of a post code
But it seriously impressed the fillies

There once was a pilot named Achilles,
who quite liked the smell of Lilly's.
he felt a tingle in his draws
so went to some whores
he likes when they play with his willy

I have a dear friend named Koor,
who's ex was a bit of a whore.
She got on one knee
and started to pee
whilst Koor sucked it out with a straw

There once was a pilot named Mack,
who had quite a hairy crack.
he went in for a trimming,
now his wife's started rimming,
no wonder he's never looked back.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-01-09 09:15:50
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