

Sanctums' Sentinel
Name Sanctums' Sentinel
Ticker ICHAC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5.5%
corporationID 98132481

Members [0]


Sanctums' Sentinel is an internally managed Corporation for most activities EvE Online has to offer.
------------------------------------------------->We offer...
-> Level 1-4 Missions
-> Orca Supported, Weekly Mining Operations (Paid)
-> Weekly PvP Tournaments (Paid for by Corp)
-> Low-Sec PvP Roams
-> Wormhole Raids
-> Null-Sec (In the works)
-> Teamspeak 3 (In the works)
-> Corporation Ventrillo -- Hosted by numbrain toogoe
--> We are looking for...
-> New Players
-> Miners
-> Mission Runners
-> PvE'rs - Ratting
-> PvP'rs - Null-Sec/High-Sec Defense
-> Explorers
--> What we require in every Application...
-> A Limited Account API Key and Verification Code in Corporation Application
- Steps on creating API Key and V-Code
> Go to and log in with your EvE Online Username and Password -- This is a CCP Secure Site*
> Please make the API Key so it does not Expire and is for your entire Account -- Under the Character Caption, you have "All" selected.
> Have the following boxes ticked...
+ All under Communications
+ Account Status
+ Character Sheet, and Info
+ Skill Queue, and In Training
+ Kill Log
Please visit our Public Channel: Sentinel Chat
Or speak with one of our Recruiters...

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-01-27 08:47:26
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API J:03 Mar 21:36 K:03 Mar 21:33 C:03 Mar 21:51 A:03 Mar 21:46 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:03 Mar 21:34 S:03 Mar 21:36 W:03 Mar 21:15