

Red Mining Squad 5th. Division
Name Red Mining Squad 5th. Division
Ticker RMS5
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98133842

Members [0]


u'We have a proposition, that you simply cannot deny:
join our corp ^^
and you will find harmony and money of all time!!

We are spitting awesomeness all over your face, and you better hang on to it, because we are the only ones, who have this much overfloating awesomeness.

we are a mercenary minning corp, we care not of who or where we mine, only know that our hardcore, badass and hard earned awesomeness, only comes from the only real iskland

What We Offer

\u263a Newb Friendly
\u263a Beginner Friendly
\u263a Mining Boost
\u263a Low Tax 5%
\u263a Great company, mostly
\u263a Lvl 1-4 Mission Running
\u263a Daily Active Members
\u263a Frequent mining operations
\u263a Helping in any aspect

What We require

\u263a Nothing but an AWESOMENESS-apprentice'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2022-03-26 19:54:43
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