

Tarkas Dominion
Name Tarkas Dominion
Ticker TARKA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98137371

Members [0]


Tarkas Dominion is recruiting new and old players who would like PvE(Mining/Missions), making ISK, and working together in a team.
Our goal is to provide a casual corp, that's not strict but focus's on ISK Making, We are all about have a good time and making some ISK while we do it. Also, we don't really think of EvE corps as corps. We think of them as a faction. So join our growing faction today!

Here are some things we do:

- Mining
- Refining
- Manufacturing
- Mission Runnings
- Friendly help
- Teamwork
- Mining Operations/With haulers/Orcas

With more member we plan on:

- Incursions
- Low-Sec Mining
- Low-Sec Roams

Feel free to contact us or to Join our Public Channel. Tarkas Dom Public Click to join a channel.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-12-10 09:14:52
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