

Astral Services Commission
Name Astral Services Commission
Ticker ASTSC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98141416

Members [0]


The Astral Services Commission is a corporation that thrives on learning skills and using those skills to turn ever increasing profits. Unlike other corporations we want to pass those profits on to the members and help them grow. The corporation also actively supports decorating its most committed members.

We are recruiting both new and experienced pilots at this time and are offering some unique opportunities. If you're looking for new challenges now is a good time to join this new corporation.

We are also buying ore from members and non-members at very competitive rates, so why take your chances with the market?

You can contact us at our channel @ ASTSC, or by email or directly over comms.

Astral Services Commission

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-12-09 08:01:01
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