

The Osharian School of Esoterics
Name The Osharian School of Esoterics
Ticker OSOE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98147476

Members [0]


We are looking for a few good players to join our ranks to rebuild a once great corp.
We are also known in the old days as the Eve Mining Corp.
New pilot friendly, but like to hire elite vets.
We are by the people, which means we charge NO CORPORATE TAXES !
We are the last of the ancient Osharians. The Osharian school of Esoterics was design to teach those that want to know the secrect esoteric knowledge of ' Old Eden '.

Our on going mission throughout time is to research and investigate religion, science, history, and metaphysics to aid all humannoids of this universe to unify as one consciousness and bring forth the truth of Eve's history.
Want to know more ? Want to find out why we should be your corp. Come be apart of the school for a while. Test it out and help the cause.

About us:
In Eve we werethe first of the Jove and came from the 'Adam gate' in ' Old Eden '. We have been in New Eden for 6 years. The corp. was closed due to the ancient war over the ' Eve gate '. Terran and Amarr united forces and we were forced to go into hiding for 3 years. Now we have returned to bring balance back to the Eve universe. High ranking positions are still open at this time.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-12-18 08:01:08
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