

Name FreeMassons
Ticker SHLON
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98147800

Members [0]


We are a structured corporation that lives in high sec and low sec in the Solitude region. Our focus is on Indy with mining and manufacturing but with the intent on being able to support a strong PVP wing.
-Help starting Manufacturing
-Regular Mission running Fleets
-Regular Mining Fleets with Orca Boosts
-Regular PVP Fleets W/roams into low and null.
-Help supplying beginner ships for new PVPers and for fleet mining.
-Mummble comms

We require every member to help each other out when needed and for that to be given back. You must be willing to learn and work as a Team to succeed. We are looking for experienced players to fill some management roles but new players are welcome.
-No trial accounts please.
-Minimum of one month old account
If you are interested please contact
-Forsaken Uta
- Lexanja
-Kara Thracebsg
For recruitment or join our public chat chanel at the HighestTower

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-04-12 10:06:12
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API J:18 Mar 05:38 K:18 Mar 05:34 C:18 Mar 05:45 A:18 Mar 05:45 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:18 Mar 05:18 S:18 Mar 05:33 W:18 Mar 05:15