

Pink Fluffy Bounty Hunterz
Name Pink Fluffy Bounty Hunterz
Ticker PFBHZ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98148197

Members [0]


Fluffy for Hire Public In Game Chat Channel - In The Pink If you are seeking employment: Please join the above public channel, visit and complete an application in the recruitment section. Minimum Skill Points - 5 Million With respect to KDR you must meeet the below guidelines in order to be given "Trial" status - Assault / Heavy / Logi / Scout = 2.0 KDR - Tankers = 3.0 KDR Meeting these guidelines is not any sort of guarantee that you will get in. If you do not meet these guidelines, we still welcome you to join our public channel and impress us in game for an exception. These are guidelines for the level of performance we will be looking for, with the ultimate decision coming from your 1-2 week tryout period. Stat-padders and KDR whores remain unwelcome at PFBHz, and we will be looking for teamwork and good attitude on top of any in-game performance. Your application will be rejected If you do not apply at the website within a week of applying in game. Diplomats: Jaiden Longshot / Jaiden Deckard Inhuman2100 / Mr Turtlez

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-05-26 08:01:02
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