

Darieux Foundation
Name Darieux Foundation
Ticker OREF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98150940

Members [0]


Established by a group of Ex-CreoDron scientists, the Darieux foundation conducts controversial scientific research at their labs across space. Rumors circulate Federation space about their rumored involvement in the disasterous expedition by the Federation into the Rogue Drone Regions. All such rumors have been denied by Foundation representatives.

Mission Statement:

The Darieux Foundation intends to support such research and educational activities that which expand human understanding of drone and robotics technologies. Ceul Darieux was especially interested in theoretical and experimental research on artificial intelligence. The foundation will accord such proposals the highest priority.

In addition, limited funds are available for improving educational opportunities at the undergraduate level and above. In particular, the foundation will consider applications for sponsorship for scientific workshops, conferences and the like, as well as grants for undergraduate research projects.

All applications will be considered based upon merit, regardless of the race and religion of the applicants. The foundation reserves the right to deny funding to proposals that do not meet its standards of scholarship, creativity and feasibility. Refusal of funding is final with no appeal or recourse available.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-12-18 08:01:08
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