

Fulcrum Starfleet
Name Fulcrum Starfleet
Ticker FMST
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98152452

Members [0]


We are a Low/0.0 sec based corp focused on PVP with a strong industry and logistic backbone.

Diplomate's: RAFC, Kastilio
Recruitment Channel: Fulcrum Saloon
Recruiters: Stuffke, Kastilio, Jahkin Bo'az

We are open for recruitment in all timezones. We are looking for PVPers, miners, and logistic pilots.
Aspiring FC's are more than welcome.

What we currently offer:
-SOV holding alliance
-Regular PVP Fleets in 0.0 and lowsec
-PVP training and skill planning
-FC training
-Regular mining opses (ABC ores)
-production and refinery facillities

Looking for:
-Active, dedicated members.
-15mil SP minimum
-English mandatory
-TS and a mic.
-Age +18

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-02-24 08:26:26
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