

Fire Incorporated
Name Fire Incorporated
Ticker F1R3X
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98152617

Members [0]


Fire Incorporated is the primary corp in a family of corporations founded by rswfire. Our corp is dedicated to recruiting and nurturing new members of the Eve community. We're a social, fun, and helpful group that go to great lengths to foster and facilitate the best that New Eden has to offer. We welcome new and experienced players who wish to take part in our unique family.

Fire Embassy

Fire Recruitment

Our Corporations:
Fire Assassins
Fire Enterprises

Fire Incorporated
Fire Security
Fire Warfare

Combat Policy: We have a policy of engaging in fair play and fair fights. We do not condone ganking, scamming, or harrassment by our members. If you witness any such behavior, please notify us so we can attempt to remedy the situation.

Thinking About Wardeccing Us? Be advised we are under the protection of Criminal-Status, The Ghost Army, and The Marmite Collective. Wardeccing us is essentially a guarantee one or all of our allies will do the same to you.

Friendly Neighbors Open to Diplomatic Relations.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-09-04 08:08:46
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