

The Frasonauts
Name The Frasonauts
Ticker FRAS.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98154148

Members [0]


(12:48:35 PM) redoutamon: frastronauts?
(12:48:58 PM) courtjester: frasiclops
(12:49:17 PM) zbideljyanumano: frasopodes
(12:49:23 PM) courtjester: frasicles
(12:49:33 PM) Jan: frassiabi
(12:49:41 PM) redoutamon: frassassins
(12:49:55 PM) MerpMcMerpinstam: name needs more x's and #'s
(12:49:59 PM) courtjester: frasbians
(12:50:00 PM) Jan: frasturbation
(12:50:14 PM) zbideljyanumano: frastration
(12:50:34 PM) iniquita: autoeroticfrasturbation
(12:50:48 PM) iniquita: wait thats not right
(12:51:24 PM) thedisto: frasfrasfrasfrasfras
(12:51:28 PM) thedisto: Ticker fras
(12:51:46 PM) squiggly12: frasturbation

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-04-10 08:08:02
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API J:18 Feb 00:57 K:18 Feb 00:43 C:18 Feb 00:00 A:18 Feb 01:38 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:18 Feb 01:19 S:18 Feb 01:31 W:18 Feb 01:15