

Enterstellar Shipping
Name Enterstellar Shipping
Ticker ETSH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98154502

Members [0]


We are an extremely laid back corporation that knows real life is more important. We are a new corporation looking to find a place for ourselves in EVE Online. Some of the things that will be offered in the near future:
-Industry Services
-Weekly Mining ops for both corporation and self
-Great PVP Opportunities
-Deep Space Exploration (Running Signatures and
-Ship Replacement Program
-As well as a ship Procurement and Placement
-Free freight services for members if the freighters
are not too busy.
-And most importantly knowledge in every field to
help you grow to become successful in EVE Online.

*I do contract out my freighters, so if you need a shipment moved it is best to contact me, the CEO for more details*

*No matter what profession you decide to take, all pilots are welcome. Whether you are Indy, PVP, Exploration. We have what you need to be successful in your field of play!*

*Contact CEO for more information on shipping perameters as well as fees*
*Please be patient with initial response times we are a new organization and the CEO does have a full time day job*
*If you fell you cannot wait until the CEO logs on, you can send an email to [email protected]*

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-12-24 08:39:48
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