

Iron Skys Security
Name Iron Skys Security
Ticker IRSSC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98159635

Members [0]


- No Minimum skill points
- Able to use Teams Speak and have a working mic recommended

What we ask of you:
- Respect for fellow corp. members
- Involvement in corp. and alliance ops (where possible)
- Maintain combat or Indy focused skill sets
- pop onto ts3
Here is a guide to help get you started ;)

Shield Tank Build
Start with Shield Operation train to lvl 3 for the use of Small Shield Booster II and Medium Shield Booster II next train Shield Compensation for less cap needs on sheild boosters. Next you will need to work on Power Grid Management train this up to lvl 3 At lv 1 train Shield Operation if you do not have it yet, then at lvl 2 Shield Upgrades this will need Science lvl 1. At lvl 3 on Power Grid Management train Shield Management ,
Tactical Shield Manipulation ,
For the rest of the load layout and more fun feal free to put an app in.

Armor Tank Build

Start with Mechanics x1 then inject underlined skills
Hull Upgrades train to x 3 for Nanofiber Internal Structure II
50mm Reinforced Steel Plates II and 100mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Repair Systems train to x2 for Small Hull Repairer II . Medium Hull Repairer II . Large Hull Repairer II

Skills to Destroy other players Cap and to Boost Yours

Start with Power Grid Management Train to lvl 3 is not already done so And Science lvl 2 first. Next inject underlined skills
Capacitor Emission Systems train to x3 for Small Nosferatu II and Small Energy Neutralizer II

Capacitor Systems Operation train to x2 for Micro Capacitor Booster II and x3 for Small Capacitor Booster II
Skills to Jam Players from Targeting you or Fleet Members

Start with CPU Management lvl x1 then inject underlined skills
Electronic Warfare train to x2 then inject Frequency Modulation train to x3 then enject Long Distance Jamming x4 for T2 ITEMS such as ECM - Multispectral Jammer II and ECM - White Noise Generator II skills to follow up with are Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing and Signal Dispersion. *Must have CPU Management @ lvl 5 to learn follow up skills.
Next thing we want to address is the ability to Slow the Other player down to keep them from being able to move away from you or speed tank you for. Doing this will also allow you to target and allow you for faster target locking and more hits and less misses..
If you already have learned the Long Distance Jamming then you have CPU Management up to lvl 3 and all you will have to do is learn Navigation. Next inject the skill Navigation and train that to lvl 2 after doing so you will be able to inject skill Propulsion Jamming train this to lvl 2 and you will be able to use Warp Scrambler II what this does is prevent them from warping away from you and thus missing the opportunity to get a kill, Just remember once you inject the skill Propulsion Jamming train it up to lvl 4 so you can use the Stasis Webifier II

A few other skills to look into are Target Breaker Amplification and Weapon Disruption train to lvl 1 or 2 just to start with this can take only few min to a cpl hours to learn.
This guide has more parts to it to see the rest you must be a corp. member to view it, Good luck and I hope this is a start for you to build something great ;) Keep your head up and fly safe
Olivia Shy; CEO of Iron Skys Security

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-04-06 10:13:46
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