

Blue Sword Freigh
Name Blue Sword Freigh
Ticker BSFR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98160953

Members [0]


BSFR is now recruiting members, Joine Bs Freight for application and info.

Welcme to the Blue Sword Freight, a high sec Hauler service.

NB: as a new pilot i can not accept contract with cargo over 23 150 m3 atm.

How to:

0. Join BS Freight channel.
1. Will haul cargo only in high sec. (Will not fly through low or 0.0)
2. Cargo can not weigh over 23 150 m3 atm
3. Max collateral atm: 90 000 000 isk
4. Minimum 3 days expiration and 1 day completion. Under holidays etc, minimum expiration can be set to 7 days.
5. The Contract must be mad out to Blue Sword Freight as a private courier contract, and the cost per trip is 500k pickup fee + 300k per jump (50% off for corp members)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-02-09 08:37:07
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