

Arms Unlimited Academy
Name Arms Unlimited Academy
Ticker AXAC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98172398

Members [0]


The Academy needs you!

Arms Unlimited provides weapons and ammunition to niche markets; we need dedicated capsuleers to work towards the corporation aim of becoming New Eden's leading supplier of the weapons of war. The Academy is the place to start!

One aim, one mission - To develop the talent to meet this goal

All genuine applicants welcome and accepted

What the Academy offers:
Regular mining ops
Maxed-out Orca boosts
Ore purchase programme
Equipment, ships, ammo, skill book subsidy
Secure location, rich belts, belt reports

What the Academy expects:
That you are a team player, who wants to suceed in New Eden

Join the Academy Channel to learn more - ArmsX Academy

A warm and friendly welcome awaits, join the Academy, enjoy the benefits of Corporation membership now!

Contact Tar-Sith Nuuni for more infomation

Arms Unimited Academy is founded by Arms Unlimited - CEO Narken Steel

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 00:01:34
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