

Arrowhead Logistical Aerospace Division
Name Arrowhead Logistical Aerospace Division
Ticker AHLAD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98172410

Members [0]


Arrowhead Logistical Aerospace Division

Is recruiting Veteran and New Players for Industrial & Combat Purposes. Currently we are working out of a High Sector Zone, working towards branching out into Low Sector and Null Sector Zones.

We provide daily & weekly activities:

Mining Operations (Daily)
Mission Running (Daily)
Roaming PVP Combat (Weekly)

Currently we have a Teamspeak 3 Server:

Password: victorkilo

And a public EVE Channel:

AHLAD Lobby (Friendly Channel too talk about anything)

Feel free too stop on by and chat or contact one of our recruiters if interested in applying.

*Note: The only payment required is the 5.0% tax, other than that we do not request you too supply or give money too the Corp unless you feel like donating. We provide a friendly clean gaming atmosphere for all players too enjoy themselves as well as lending a helping hand too any player in need of help. (Do not assume this means too join and beg for isk)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 00:01:34
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