

Storm of Souls Expeditionary Force
Name Storm of Souls Expeditionary Force
Ticker SOSEF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98184151

Members [0]


We are the tip of the sword, where we go the storm will follow.

We lead so others can follow, we die so others may survive, we fight so our brothers and sisters may live in peace.

Pain Heals, Chicks Dig Scars, and Glory Lasts Forever.

Who We Are:
Pvp - Covert Ops, Escort, Harassment , Interdiction,

What we offer:
Growing corporation of NON-elitests. If you want to learn pvp will train and work with you.

What we require:
1. Mature Pilots ONLY. No Childish drama.
2. Ability to be on comms for operations
3. We will be on permanent deployment to somewhere in Eve at all times. No rest for the wicked, and I mean to be wicked.
4. Interview and specific API check.
5. Pvp Alts are welcome, just let us know so we know what to expect.
6. Corporate PVE operations to fund SRP and Corporate building and training programs.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-01-02 11:14:46
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API J:21 Mar 10:13 K:21 Mar 10:36 C:21 Mar 10:43 A:21 Mar 10:38 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 10:35 S:21 Mar 10:42 W:21 Mar 10:15