

Cutie Mark Crusaders Militant Coalition
Name Cutie Mark Crusaders Militant Coalition
Ticker PONEH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98191824

Members [0]


A subsidiary of Equestrian Engineering and Cloudsdale Industries, the CMCMC was founded by three young mares from Ponyville, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, and is funded by Apple Family Apples, the world leader in apple exports.

This small business quickly rose to a booming success in very little time with the construction skills of the earth pony mare Applebloom, the financial skills of the unicorn mare Sweetie Belle, and flourished under the management of the pegasus mare Scootaloo. From there, it became the leading producer of space-related equipment in Equestria, unmatched due to its quality space-faring goods.

Open to all capsuleers, the CMCMC will gladly accept new and old pilots alike, be they bronies or not. Mining and Industry is the name of the game, but missioning is not out of the question. WH's provide the rare ores required to construct larger ships, and thus PvP and PvE is also necessary to protect the miners within the dangerous anomalies.

Due to the rapidly increasing demand for CMCMC brand equipment, the founders set out to find the best candidates to be their new CEO's, and discovered two stallions fit for the job, brony2893 and Whiter Penmanship.

Now CEO's of the CMCMC, they run all off-planet transactions for the corporation, while the founders remain on Mother Equestria, running their many facilities.

Our three founders expect only the best from their members, but are aware that they all have lives outisde of piloting their spacecraft and an addiction to ponies, so they wont bust your flank for missing a day or two to watch them on your personal Holo-Com.

They only ask that you have fun, do your best to contribute to the corporation, and don't forget that every blank flank out there will one day earn their cutie-mark, and it could be here, with the CMCMC!

Applicants are encouraged to include what skills, ships, and services they can bring to the corporation. Don't be discouraged if you don't think you can offer anything to the corp, we take new players and gladly help them along.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-03-23 09:42:51
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