

Name WhiteHeaven
Ticker WH17
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98194643

Members [0]


~White Heaven~

Who are we?
White Heaven is a Nullsec Indy corp operating out of providence space under a NRDS engagement policy. We are a relatively new corp that is growing fast.

What do we offer?
Being located in Nullsec we have access to all the ores you could ever need. We have access to numerous combat and ore sites that litter the landscape of providence. We also have access to a large number of mining fleets that operate in the area almost guaranteeing you a boosted fleet 23/7

-NullSec Access
- ABC ores
- Combat sites
- Mining Boosted Fleets
- Access to CVA fleets
- Much Much More

What do we require?
There are not many requirements to joining us. The most important one is that your character must be over a month old. You must also be give us a limited API key. (If you need help with this we can assist). And Lastly you must be willing to join a team and work together with us in this vast space.

Should you have any questions you should EveMail Azriel7275 or Saphss or Mayah Bar
Fly Safe

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-05-28 08:01:24
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API J:22 Feb 06:57 K:22 Feb 06:43 C:22 Feb 07:34 A:22 Feb 07:32 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 07:28 S:22 Feb 07:34 W:22 Feb 07:15