

Name CKS-Gaming
Ticker .C.KS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98194736

Members [0]


Here at =CKS= Gaming we strive to provide a fun, fair and friendly environment for our online multi-gaming community to play on and enjoy. We play a wide variety of FPS, RTS & MMORPG games

The original clan 'Combat Killerz' was formed in 2004 back in the days of BHD, over the years we have played mainly FPS based games and in 2009 we evolved into a large multi-gaming community. We have public and match servers for BF3, MOHW, DayZ & Minecraft details for these can be found on our front page and in the forums.

If you are interested in joining and are at least 18 years of age click on the 'Join Us' button on the frontpage or if you have any questions or problems you can register and post on the forums

no blank apps will be acepted.
write in the app or mail / pm the people below for more info or join our public chan CKS Pub

Isgarand euro tz co-ceo
Vanesciea us tz co-ceo

it is very important in this corp that you understand that eve is a game not a job, real life takes priority in everything that we do. This is a chill corp. there is no demand on your time, no requirment on how much you must be online,

release the beast

free usefull info not related to the corp just an fyi
when in space make sure you know the code and the rules they follow its better safe then sorry

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-06-28 08:18:43
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API J:13 Mar 09:37 K:13 Mar 09:34 C:13 Mar 09:41 A:13 Mar 09:31 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:13 Mar 09:38 S:13 Mar 08:43 W:13 Mar 09:15