

Ticker OMWA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98196721

Members [0]


Mercenarys for hire..

"A war declaration is a formal state of war between two player corporations or alliances. When corporations or alliances are at war the pilots belonging to them become legal targets for each other in all security levels of empire space."


War with us is purely business and as such all ransoms will be honored. It is also possible to end the war prematurely if that is your wish now or in the future.


Only certains types of ships will be ransomed during the war. If you wish to pay the ransom on one of these ships, then you need to follow few guidelines.

-  Open a conversation with the attacker (no need to write anything)
-  You will now have 15 seconds to transfer the ransom money
-  If the transfer was made, you are free to go.

Here are the pre-set prices for all the ships that can be ransomed.

100 million  -  Macinaw, Hulk, Pod
500 million  -  Orca, Hauler
1   billion  -  Booster Pod
2   billion  -  Freighter

Ending the war

Here are the instructions for ending the war prematurely, if that is your wish.

-  Surrender with the pre-set money offer
-  Goes into motion immediately and your ships shall not be fired upon again

500 million  -  General 2 week surrender truce
1   billion  -  Permanent truce and no future wars against your corporation

...come out and play, where ever you are!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-03 23:01:41
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