

Arathian League
Name Arathian League
Ticker A-A-L
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL http://Coming soon...
Tax Rate 12%
corporationID 98201134

Members [0]


Welcome to the Arathian League
Areas of Operation: NullSec, with limited ops in HighSec and LowSec.

The Arathian League is an ally of the Care Factor alliance. (Our alliance requests that all corporations keep a API record on all our corp members. As such, we will require this when recruiting new members).

The Arathian League follows a strict NRDS (Not Red Don't Shoot) code as set out by the Providence coalition of alliances and as follwed by Care Factor.

Please note that our corp charges a small fee to cover our members fee's or "dues" as charged by our alliance.

If you're interested in joining us send a mail to Renley Arathar or vampiresoul luther.

The Arathian League was initally foundered by Admiral Renley Arathar as a small, two man corporation with Captain Vampiresoul Luther.

The Arathian League was foundered on the principle of maintaining individual independence while cooperating and engaging with other pilots within a corporation environment.

The Arathian League's hierarchal structure is based on the Navy. Once a pilot requests to join, we will evaluate his/her experience and promote them appropriately.

Ore, Ice and Minerals: In line with the Arathian League's values of player independence, corp members are free to do with their minerals and ice whatever they please. However, please consider selling to the corp and/or the alliance.

On occasion the Arathian League will initiate corp mining and ice harvesting expeditions (with boosts) in which corp members participate to stockpile ice for POS maintenance and ore to supply ship construction for our corp members and to contribute towards alliance defence efforts.

The current tax rate of the Arathian League was voted in at 12.0%. New members are encouraged to make suggestions on tax. Requests for tax change may or may not be put to a vote, but changed immediately if appropriate.
Shares are not grantable to members who are not within the corp's leadership. Shares are held exclusively by the Admiral.

Election processes will be initiated periodically by either the Admiral, Vice Admiral or Captains. Election campaigns, or general votes will be initiated for the purposes of deciding on tax amounts, membership, finances and other matters that will influence the future of the corporation and its members.
"This is not a democracy"
In line with the election processes it is important to note that while various aspects and issues may be voted on by all members, pilots cannot choose candidates and vote them into high leadership positions such as Admiral, Vice Admiral, Captain, and Commander. The Arathian League follows a heirarchy similar to that of the Navy. Promotion is the only way up.

New members are requested to join either by searching the Arathian League corporation (A-A-L), or by contacting Admiral Renley Arathar directly via EVE mail.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-12-07 09:07:16
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