

1st Tanith Fleet
Name 1st Tanith Fleet
Ticker 1ANDO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98203091

Members [0]


(Supplier to: Failed Diplomacy)

We are all children of our people, forged together by this most critical hour of our early history. We promise you, we promise the Enemy, we promise our glorious corps, that we will mold together our friends, allies and corp members into a force on which we can rely on absolutely and blindly. We pledge to do all in our life and work that is necessary for victory. We will fill our hearts with the political passion, with the ever-burning fire that blazed during the great struggles of the beginning. Never during this endless war will we fall prey to the false and hypocritical objectivism that has brought many a corp so much misfortune over their history.

With burning hearts and cool heads we will overcome the major problems of any phase of this endless war in New Eden. We are on the way to final victory. That victory rests on our faith our very own corps.

Every day we are reminded once again of our duty. That we expect to do that which will throw all others have done in the past into the shadows. We do not want to fail ourslves, brothers and sisters. As we are proud of each in name and heart, And they are each proud of us,not just in heart but also in soul.

We do not want to be misunderstood. We certainly do not underestimate the enemy. The best way to avoid that is to know him and study him. We realize that our enemies are not a group of devils. They have admirable characteristics. But we will not speak of them as long as they see no good in us. And if your not our corps or ally, then we are at WAR! be it official or not! We hate the Enemy from the bottom of our souls because they threaten our very life, because they oppose our existence out of envy, jealousy, and ill-concealed pride.

We therefore warn against any danger we see, and particularly against those with roots in our character. The bourgeois era with its false and lying idea of humanitarianism is over. We are in the middle of a hard existence, a hard time of constant threat and war. It will be won not by good nature, but by manliness and strength. The universe is divided by love and hate. To be on firm ground, one must know whom to love and whom to hate.

We are ready for anything. The CEO has commanded, and we will follow him. In this hour of reflection and contemplation, we believe firmly and unshakably in victory. We see it before us, we need only reach for it. We must resolve to subordinate everything to it. That is the duty of the hour. Let the slogan be:

Now, Tanith Fleet rise up and let the storm break loose!

There is only one thing that is objectively incontestable for us: We must win. And that guides us!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-03 21:55:28
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