

First Earth Battalion
Name First Earth Battalion
Ticker F E B
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98205317

Members [0]


We believe the Army can be the principal moral and ethical basis on which politics can harmonize in the name of the Earth. Since "Earthkind" has grown from pack to village to tribe to territory and then to nation, we envision next going from nation to planet. We thereby declares the First Earth Battalion's primary allegiance to the planet. Making the planet whole requires the ethical use of force based on the collective consciousness.

Some of the important missions of the Earth Battalion are:

Urban pioneers
Counter hostage force
Disaster rescue
Eco pioneers
Animal rescue

The First Earth Battalion will organize itself informally: uniforms without uniformity, structure without status, and unity powered by diversity. Its members will be multicultural, with each race contributing to "rainbow power". As a guiding principle, members of the First Earth Battalion seek nondestructive methods of conflict resolution because their first loyalty is to the planet.

Each member of the First Earth Battalion is sworn to uphold the credo of "high commandos and guerrilla gurus":

I have the capacity and therefore the duty to contribute to the development of myself, my associates, and our planet, simultaneously, now!
I will organize a self-supporting high commando group that will create and perform evolutionary breakthrough actions on behalf of people and planet. One people, one planet.
I will then pass on this concept to others who are capable of generating further self-organizing commando teams.
I will await the time when my group can connect naturally with others at higher and higher levels of awareness and performance — the Natural Guard.

Mother Earth… my life support system… as a soldier… I must drink your blue water… live inside your red clay and eat your green skin.
I pray… my boots will always kiss your face and my footsteps match your heartbeat.
Carry my body through space and time… you are my connection to the Universe… and all that comes after.
I am yours and you are mine.
I salute you.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-03-09 08:41:54
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