

Zero Point Academy
Name Zero Point Academy
Ticker ZPNT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98207505

Members [0]



We are Zero Point Academy.

Specialization in taking new and upcoming pilots and training them for life in null-sec is what we do.

Whether you have 100,000 skill points or 10,000,000 skill points; if you want to learn, we can train you!

Zero Point Academy was founded to provide a supply of loyal and knowledgeable pilots for our parent corporation and alliance. Our leadership is competent and experienced, having vast experience in previous academy corporations, recruiting, and training operations. Mentorship is essential in helping to provide an enjoyable game environment that encourages teamwork and companionship.

We provide training for PvPer’s and Industrialists alike. If you want to learn tactics for small gang and fleet warfare of 0.0, our Training Specialists regularly FC roaming fleets into 0.0 (ship hulls provided by corp) and are well-versed in all Alliance fleet doctrines. But, if industry is more your thing, we also have industrialists who host mining operations in high-sec.

At first our recruits spend their time in high-sec, learning skills and building a platform to become self-sufficient for ISK, but eventually they progress down to our home in 0.0 space. As members of an alliance that is part of the N3 Power Bloc and in having a parent corporation that is a major player in N3, you will be guaranteed to have “gud fun” on a regular basis.

Upon a successful stint in our Academy and meeting the entry requirements for our parent corp (or any of the other corps in the alliance for the matter), you can move on to do bigger and better things! In fact, we encourage it, because remember, that was your goal in the first place!

And most importantly: The ultimate purpose of our Corporation is to have fun!

-Mic & TS3
-Forum Registration
-Must be able to speak English
-Self-sufficient for ISK
-Mature and respectful of others

Corp Recruitment Channel: 0.0 Academy Recruitment

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-12-12 10:19:46
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