

Ticker -19K-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98216097

Members [0]




We are now accepting applications at this time.

This corp is 90% US.Military but civilians are welcome. We are ran by Real Life Officers and Enlisted. We run the corp very close to how the U.S. ARMY is ran.
We have members from Beta to Nooblings. Our members have become part of our familys. We have been to the top and bottom of eve. Made the news and became the news. Our members still standing tall and bringing liberty and justice to all.
Filled with Active, Discharged, Retired, Vets and Patriots. We love this game and eachother. We like to be known as the Good Guys. We are the kinda guys that will give the shirt off our backs to help eachother and our friends. Daily we are all online and in Teamspeak making it happen.

We hold and live our Corp Values and CODE.

Loyalty : Bear true faith and allegiance to the Alliance, the Corp, your unit and other soldiers.
Duty : Fulfill your obligations.
Respect: Treat people as they should be treated.
Selfless-Service: Put the welfare of the Alliance, Corp, and your subordinates before your own.
Honor: Live up to all the Alliance Values
Integrity: Do what's right, legally and morally
Personal Courage: Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral.)

1. I am an Eve soldier - A protector of the greatest empire in this universe - Sworn to uphold the laws and codes of my empire.
2. I will treat others with dignity and respect and expect others to do the same.
3. I will honor my corp, alliance, coalition, and my fellow soldiers by living the US Values
4. No matter what situation I am in, I will never do anything for pleasure, profit or personal safety which will disgrace my uniform, my alliance, or my corp.
5. Lastly, I am proud of my Corp, Alliance and its flag. I want to look back and say I am proud to have served my Corp and Alliance as a soldier.

* Ran by Real life US.Military Officers and Enlisted
* PVP / War / Roams / CapFleets / PVE /
* O.O / LOW / EMPIRE Living
* Missions Level 1-5
* Mining Ops with Orca & Roqual Support. ABC Mining
* Strong Indy
* 7 years and still Active.
* Forms / Killboards / TeamSpeak3 / Homesites
* Must be 18 years or older / unless given wavier
* Must have 3mil SP to join unless given wavier
* API Key needed for all accounts / All alts must be in corp and or Alliance unless given wavier
* Mic Needed / Must understand and speak English
* No Russians allowed
* US/EU/AU Time Zones.
* Join our public channel Government to set up a interview.
* All other questions and answers will be given in interview after API and application has been submitted.

If this sounds like you or the kinda men and woman you want to fly and die with come join us.

When submitting your application include your API keys. Leave some short info of where you live, who you are, and what you do.
Join our public channel in game. The channels name is as followed
You will want to get in contact with a recruiter if one has not yet contacted you. Once done you can start your interview. Feel free to stay in the public channel as long as needed to do such. Some background checks take few minutes some a day.
Your API background check mix with your interview will determine if you get in the corp.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-08-05 08:03:06
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API J:31 Jan 10:34 K:31 Jan 10:30 C:31 Jan 10:00 A:31 Jan 11:30 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:31 Jan 11:14 S:31 Jan 11:17 W:31 Jan 11:15