

FBI Federation
Name FBI Federation
Ticker FBIF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98217317

Members [0]


Wars come and Go, But my soldiers never fade!

A 0.0 corp of Friends and Profitiers! We PvP and do what ever else we think of to help support our pvp. We do it all or Die Trying! We are a well run PvP corp with a long history and we mean to keep it that way. We pride ourselves on efficiency and tenacity. We are independent, loyal and unforgiving!

Recruitment is usually by invite only but we do take on worthy new pilots. Ask us for details and Join UDEAD PUBLIC for info. We are always looking for mature members who show a willingness to learn and adapt. Military and Parents are ALWAYS WELCOME! We have no skill point requirement but an understanding of the game is needed. We take pride in allowing our members to grow, learn and play how ever it best suits them!

We do PVP,mining,Build everthing

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-07-04 08:01:02
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API J:06 Feb 22:34 K:06 Feb 22:31 C:06 Feb 22:00 A:06 Feb 23:04 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:06 Feb 22:45 S:06 Feb 22:22 W:06 Feb 22:46