

Animadversion Tactical Operations Index
Name Animadversion Tactical Operations Index
Ticker MISOS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98224109

Members [0]


MISOS is a small private military corporation primarily involved with reconnaisance, stealth, and specific target elimination. MISOS is third party operating group and as such we are not political tool of any specific corporation or alliance; however in the case of a contractual agreement long term diplomatic relationships can be established under specific varying stipulations.

MISOS operations are primarily conducted in Null Security Space, but can also be conducted in Low and High Security Zones. Killboard statistics are largely meaningless to us and because of this we are capable of performing riskier more aggresive jobs with relative ease. Dedicated tacklers and scouts we are suited more to being an independent supplementary group rather than a frontline troop.

MISOS also deals largely in the exchange of intel and is willing to negotiate/purchase/sell intel on the whereabouts of PoSes and their defenses, large concentrations of alliance personnel, the habitual practices and piloting preferences of high profile individuals, and most importantly the future plans of reputable groups. MISOS can be hired to perform and complete these actions as necessary for negotiable prices. Infiltration however is obviously never done with conspicuous individuals such as prominent corp characters. Discretion is our most important policy and we ask that those participating in the activities of the corp do not disclose any of its activities, locations, or opinions.

Typical MISOS policies and services include
-Anti-Pirate patrolling
-Alliance Networking (Negotiating Diplomacy & availability)
-Target Elimination
-Stalking (Intel gathering and survelliance of specific characters and groups)
-Surgical Striking (Infiltration of Large battles and eliminating targets of priority)
-Preliminary Exploration/General Intel gathering
-Third Party survelliance/patrol of friendly/hostile space

We respect the rules of whatever sovereign space we currently operate in and do not preemptively attack occupants of NRDS in NRDS space.

For diplomatic or recruiting concerns please contact The Misanthrope or Cannibas

Thank you.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-06-17 20:28:40
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