

Red Army HeII March
Name Red Army HeII March
Ticker RAH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98231299

Members [0]


Red Army HeII March
Private Mercenary Service

In-gane channel: Red Army Hell March

1) Any Corp / Alliance considered
2) You pay the war dec fee only
3) Kill updates as and when necessary
4) Assistance requests considered

Common Issues:
Q: Why have we been decced again?
A: It's either because I wanted to or someone else required my services. Only if a dec is continuous for over a week is it ever the same client.

Q: What's to stop you from being hired by our adversaries after we've used your service?
A: I will give any Corp / Alliance that has used my service a 3 month grace period.

Q: Why do you do this for free?
A: I am quite happy just to kill for the loot, if you wish to pay or pay for bonus kills then I won't turn it down.

Q: If someone has paid you to do this, then will you accept our surrender terms?
A: I will consider surrender terms only after discussing this option with my client.

For any other questions, please contact ImRedYoureDead

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-03 23:02:09
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API J:13 Mar 11:37 K:13 Mar 11:34 C:13 Mar 11:58 A:13 Mar 12:00 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:13 Mar 11:38 S:13 Mar 11:44 W:13 Mar 11:15