

Center Office Refining and Excavations
Name Center Office Refining and Excavations
Ticker CORAE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98235766

Members [0]


CORE is a corporation dedicated to teaching planetary interaction skills and encouraging PVE and wormhole exploration.

WARNING: Planetary interaction can be very profitable, but only after you've invested a large amount of money. We will teach you how to set up, but you must raise the start up funds.

As a corp we offer:
> PI building tips
> Contracts for planetary resources and ore
> Mining fleets
> tips on Wormhole Exploration
> An alliance of fellow pilots to fly with

We are a friendly corporation and do not approve of pirates and gankers. If that's your thing then this corp is not for you.

For security reasons we will ask for your account wide API key when you apply. If you don't have an API key please refer to to create one

We understand that you have a life outside this game and won't always be on. there is need to worry about being kicked for inactivity as long as you follow the rules.

If you have any questions and I am not online feel free to mail me personally. I am usually online from 3-10 EVE time

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-08-13 08:14:40
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API J:21 Feb 15:57 K:21 Feb 15:43 C:21 Feb 16:00 A:21 Feb 16:16 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Feb 15:58 S:21 Feb 15:49 W:21 Feb 16:15