

Industry Masterworks
Name Industry Masterworks
Ticker INMAS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98239432

Members [0]


Are you currently solo mining? Looking to get into the industry side of EVE? Or just want the benefits of mining boosts and ore hauling?
◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ INDUSTRY MASTERWORKS ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙
â—™ High Sec Industry Corp
â—™ Ore Buy-Back Program
â—™ Fleet Mining Boosts
â—™ Great Opportunity to learn the ropes of Industry
â—™ LS/NS PVP Opportunities
â—™ Alliance Operations
â—™ ALL PLAYERS Welcome

◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ ORE BUYBACK ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙
Our ore buyback system is the best you will find at a generous 95% trade value! You've mined your ore, but don't know when the next Director will be online to buy it from you? No problem! InMas' contract system insures that you can get paid for your hard work even if you're not online!

◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ MINING BOOST ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙
Join mining fleets with experienced members and attain a mining boost which allows you to mine faster than when you're alone! Used in conjunction with our ore buyback program, and your productivity will skyrocket compaired to mining solo!

◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ LEARN THE ROPES ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙
Whether you want to be a miner, manufacturer, or the CEO of your own corporation someday, InMas gives you the education you need to make your plan a reality - each step you take towards your role benefits the corporation as a whole!

◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ PVP OPPORTUNITY ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙
We like all of our brothers and sisters to be educated on PvP to avoid any possible accidents. Learning to CHECK (and ignore) LOCAL CHAT isn't always enough to predict when a potential ganker is in the system. Our training will increase your odds of getting out of those sticky situations...and getting payback as well!

◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ APPLY TO JOIN ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙
Simply click 'Apply To Join' below and include some information about yourself! Let us know the direction you want to take, and we'll help you get there!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-08-27 08:01:07
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