

Blight and Oppression
Name Blight and Oppression
Ticker BL4PS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98251699

Members [0]


=^.^= Blight and Oppression =^.^=

Recruitment now open:
Going to make eve a better place one system at a time. Play together, Fly together, and Die together!!

Blight and Oppression

Our Strategy:
Your only as strong as your weakest member therefore we strive to increase the strength of our members.

Our strategy is to increase the wealth of all members which will lead to corporation power. We are concerned with meeting the needs of not only our alliance but also that of our members.

Our Values:
We value the following above all else:

• Respect
• Honesty
• Reliability
• Self-sufficiency

Current Situation:

Were currently Gunning for CoW, our current staging area is D87E

Blight and Oppression Representatives: Mordeo - Director, Takeshi Covacs - CEO, DSOUTHERNER - Director

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-09-24 12:17:36
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