

Dragon Star Enterprize
Name Dragon Star Enterprize
Ticker MCZA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98256712

Members [0]



Dragon Star Enterprize is a Coalition of Free Miners. Our mandate is to keep the Ore flowing in EVE.


First off new Miners the goal is to keep you ship alive. There are those out there trying to stop you. Most don't want to help you so this is your lucky day! First Venture Try to skill into this fast. This will help you. Then Second Venture this will get you ready for First Retriever. During this time Skill & Upgrade those fits to Tech 2.

Now these are not a guarantee that your not going to get Ganked but they will help you survive it. Now just remember if the Ganker's want you they will get you! What your trying to do is to make it cost them more than its worth to be ganked.

Now know Ganking groups
Goonswarm Federation
Neo Terran Front
Special Assault Unit
These are just some of the Gankers

The only sure fire anti-gank ship is Gank Resistant Procurer. This cost them 3 time's what your ship is worth to gank.


All Contact infomation goes though the CEO Micheal York Solette

We are NOT taking applications.

API is required before your accepted.
MCZA Friends & Recruit

[03:28:09] Karian Ventarra > Dammit. I thnk my DScan is broken...
[03:28:44] Karian Ventarra > I swear it's telling me there's 4 retrievers each called Butt Muncher OO

[17:43:25] Krystin Chen > That's ok, I didn't need to mine this rock or anything.
[17:43:50] Krystin Chen > Nor was I mining it first.

[15:38:55] Luis Schatten > Belt where I can ... You're everywhere ...Geffur X Belt 1 ...ok?
[15:43:21] Sinera Meyer > OK, we have free belt found:-)
[04:05:34] Cassandra Novata > Uchat is starting to get a little crowded for miners now
[04:26:41] James Tolliman > with a 10 man mining fleet I am surprised you aren't in Null-Sec

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-12-29 09:36:29
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