

EVE Corporation 98268976
Name EVE Corporation 98268976
Ticker qw4ed
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 8.5%
corporationID 98268976

Members [0]


"An auxiliary force is a organized group supplementing but not directly incorporated in a regular military or police entity. It may comprise either civilian volunteers undertaking support functions or additional personnel directly performing military or police duties, usually on a part-time basis"

(intrested in Joining? join our pub SPAM-Pub)

[ The "State Protectorate Auxiliary Militia" has no In Character (IC) attachment or relationship with the NPC Corporation "State Protectorate" The former is a player run corporation. The latter is an NPC corporation servicing pilots with an immediate access to Caldari Faction Warfare.

Although these two entities have similarities in name they are in no way connected to one another and any dealings with us should be on the basis and understanding that you are dealing with "us" (a player run corporation) and not an NPC entity.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-07-09 22:56:35
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