

5th Legion - White Scars
Name 5th Legion - White Scars
Ticker V-WS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98269268

Members [0]


5th Legion – White Scars is a dedicated PVP corporation operating in the Amarrian factional warfare.

We focus on very small scale and solo PVP.
We see PVP as a challenge.
PVP is for our/your entertainment. We PVP for fun, not for our killboard.
We honour our word.

CEO: High Templar Proxus
diplomatic contact: Calico Jack Rackham, High Templar Proxus

Recruitment information / What we are looking for:

All members are required to be fully self-sufficient.
You play for PVP. No PVE content provided.
You always try to hone your PVP skills and like small gang and solo.
If necessary you can act on your one. You don’t always need someone (FC) to tell you what to do.
EU time zone. German speaking. Understanding English is required.
Mature attitude. EVE is a game. Real life exists.

Please note: We are currently closing business and our core group will test some other waters for pew pew. o/

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-08-26 09:33:11
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