

Quantum Reality Industries
Name Quantum Reality Industries
Ticker QTIT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98270424

Members [0]


Quantum Reality Industries

High-Sec Carebear Miner/Industrialist Corp
CEO: Natalie Jenkins
First Director: Markus Kurvora
Second Director:



- Open
- Miners and Missioners wanted
- Full API Required


We are a miner and industry Corp set in High-Sec with the intention of rapid member growth with a good ore/mineral buying scheme. We are very relaxed and want our members to play when they want and how they want and not to rely on other members organising everything stuff for them, instead showing initiative and getting things done themselves. However, we do expect members to contribute to the Corp via taxes through ratting or selling minerals to us via the Ore/Mineral Buying Scheme.

We want as many dedicated miners as possible and even a few players that are interested in building on the side. We have mining boosters in Corp but organised mining ops will have to be arranged by the boosters and people wanting boosts, not leadership. We also plan to venture into Low-Sec once we can get enough members that are willing to fly combat ships to help protect others whilst in Low-Sec.

We will buy all Corp members minerals and ores off of them at 90% Jita 4-4 price via our Ore/Mineral buying scheme saving you the effort of moving a huge mass of ores or minerals to a trade hub such as Jita to get a decent price. With these bought ores and minerals we will use them to produce ships and sell them all over New Eden. Members that contribute the most by selling the most needed minerals to the Corp may get rewards in ISK form or Ship form.


Future Plans:

- High-Sec POS (Fuck you standings!)
- Put our own POCO's down and set some sweet rates for Corp Members and other people based in our systems
- Spread into Low-Sec as well as High-Sec

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-09-22 09:38:30
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API J:19 Mar 21:36 K:19 Mar 21:36 C:19 Mar 22:31 A:19 Mar 22:31 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:19 Mar 22:25 S:19 Mar 21:41 W:19 Mar 22:30