

Special Tactical Arm's Research Laboratories
Name Special Tactical Arm's Research Laboratories
Ticker ST-L
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 13%
corporationID 98282165

Members [0]


A secretive industrial militant corp dedicated to the Mathematical universe hypothesis.

Hidden away from prying eye's in their secretive fortress of contemplation, they are known to sit watching their sacred beams of holy mining and comtemplate, many secrets of the universe (*1).

Members of the militant industrial corp, produce wares of all types from planets to the very moons. Though most commonly you will see them destroying the invading rocks of evil, which they recycle to wage even more war on the never ending tide of rocks.

Their sucidal bravery is un-matched through-out the eve universe, so much so... they are awarded tin medals for these brave acts of stupidity.(*2)

The members see themselves as a family and no member has ever felt alone. Their dedication to one another is paramount, to their continued survival in the harshest of enviroments... that null sec has to offer.(*3)

Listen to their very own Oracle who's dreams warp the imagination..ofcourse i speak of Capt Psyki..his dreams of warp bubbles, houses built on stations and thousands of reds invading his very own home...yes bewarned his mystical dreams can cut your very own soul.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-03-02 11:15:27
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