

Deadly Gumdrop Death Squad
Name Deadly Gumdrop Death Squad
Ticker D0MO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98283125

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Okay first up we have the Human female. I give her about a 5/10 because Humans are in real life because we're Humans so we see that often.

Next are Dwarves. I give them about a 3.5/10 mainly because they're like humans, but shorter.

Now we move on to Night Elves. I give them a 9.8/10 on the hotness scale, because they're tall, they're fantasy characters like you want to see. They're beautiful, they have glowing skin, and a lot of times you see them with long hair.

Gnomes get a 2/10. I don't really like them as girls that much (I play guy gnomes sometimes, not because I find them hot though). They almost always have short hair, and a lot of their faces look like old ladies.

Moving on to Draenei, they get an 8.5/10 because they sort of look like Night Elves. They're pretty tall and I like the whole "non-real" kind of thing.

The Worgen are a solid 8.8/10. They're wild and exotic looking, which I find pretty hot, and they have a Human side which some people prefer (I prefer the Worgen side).

Orc females are a -1/10. Mainly because... well, for one thing they don't have very nice teeth and almost always female orcs have a non-full head of hair... so yeah.

Now we move on to the Undead. I give them about an 8.7/10 (right below the Draenei). Mostly because I just find the undead pretty hot when it comes to girls. Some people might think that's wierd or creepy but I'm just into the whole Halloween babe thing.

Tauren get a 6.5/10. They're sorta tall, they have horns and hooves but I just don't like them as much as the Draenei.

The Trolls get a 7.8/10 on the hotness scale. They look nice but I just don't like how they made the hands and feet.

Next we have the Blood Elves. I give them a perfect 10/10. I don't know about you but this is what a perfect ten looks like to me.

Next are Goblins. I give them a 9.1/10 mainly because I personally think they're hot. A lot of people I play with think they're not so hot but I think they're hot. They're cute, with green skin it works for them. They have a nice face, their hair works a lot of ways with them. They're sorta like Gnomes, but better looking.

That's my ranking on female hotness.

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Last Update: 2014-04-13 08:02:46
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