

T.C.O.P boot camp
Name T.C.O.P boot camp
Ticker TCOPB
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98283985

Members [0]


CEO: Melanie Rare
Diplo: Melanie Rare
Recruitment : Vodanoj Gale

We are open for recruitment.

We are a newbie friendly industrial/trading corporation focusing on mining, production, trading and deep space transport. We are based in Amarr space. Our play style is casual and laid back, so no mandatory stuff. We understand there is live outside our pods.
If you are interested or just curious, join our chat channel “CLNP-Chan"

What we do:
- Orca Mining Support
- Freighter support
- Organized mining ops
- PvE/Mission running
- Hauling/Courrier runs
- Ship and module construction
- Capital industrial ship construction

What we can offer to (newer) players
- Mentorship and guidance
- Assistance with missions
- Ship production such as mining barges and small to medium sized Gallente ships
- Production of several modules and rigs

What we are looking for:
- Miners/Industrialists
- Researchers
- Inventers
- Freighter pilots
- Orca Pilots
- Mission runners
- Fleet commanders
- PvP pilots

What we ask of you:
- Positive or security status
- Respect to other players
- No piracy or grieving and no history of such

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-10-21 09:15:43
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