

Subspace University
Name Subspace University
Ticker SEA-U
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 98285079

Members [0]


Subspace University is the main recruiting corporation for the Subspace Exploration Agency.

While we are not a true university, you will not recieve degrees or pay ridiculous tuiton fees, we are here to do two things:

1: To help teach new players and provide them with the assets and skills needed to properly operate within the alliance.
2: To help older players that are new to SEA to figure out where they could go within the alliance that best suits their needs as well as the needs of the alliance.

As a member of Subspace University, you would have access to:

-Mining Fleets
-Blueprint Research Facilities
-Most Early Skillbooks, Free of Charge
-Rewards As You Reach Your Skillpoint Goals

In application process is simple, however to streamline the application process, please do three things.

1: Join the SKYCHAT public channel, introduce yourself.
2: Put an application in to Subspace University.
3: Send an evemail to Choum Van-Haoung containing you full 'All Character' API key. You can obtain an API at

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-07-29 08:58:58
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API J:16 Mar 14:37 K:16 Mar 14:34 C:16 Mar 14:50 A:16 Mar 14:48 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:16 Mar 14:43 S:16 Mar 14:32 W:16 Mar 14:15