

Name Vanilla.Corp
Ticker NILLA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98310322

Members [0]


This Corp was taken over by Jofine. alt Character to Zero..

Old CEO Character's

Jofine is the new CEO of Vanilla.Corp
From: Simone62
Sent: 2017.06.04 12:02

Simone62 has resigned from the position of CEO with Vanilla.Corp. As their last move they appointed Jofine as CEO.

the tear's

some of the items he lost

took me only 6 days to obtain Director roles. and less then 24 hour's to have full control of the corp.

New Corp:
Vanilla Jumpers

[ 09:58:29 ] Simone62 > My corp has bin taken over
[ 09:58:57 ] Simone62 > Jofine Transfered shares to all my enamayes
[ 10:00:30 ] Simone62 > Jofine took all it shares and gave them to her self and my enamyes
[ 10:00:38 ] Simone62 > Have to start all over
[ 10:01:02 ] Simone62 > So remove vanilla, they even too my money
[ 10:01:20 ] Simone62 > I make a new corp
[ 10:02:03 ] Simone62 > And then i have to remove all from Vanillacorps containers on raitaru to the new corps containers
[ 10:02:12 ] Simone62 > Vanilla.corp is Dead
[ 10:19:46 ] Simonic72 > All my fitting everything is gone from corp hangars
[ 10:21:02 ] Simonic72 > I lost everything

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2022-06-03 20:10:55
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