

The Wisemen
Name The Wisemen
Ticker TWSMN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 25%
corporationID 98311867

Members [0]


Player Types
Being in control of both positive and negative situations as well as awareness to surroundings is key to nullsec life. Know thy neighbor whether they are friend or foe (dont have to love them if they are foes)

Be self-sufficient (dont beg, but if you need something, just ask)

Pop hisec miners (blues dont count). Nullsec miners are elite industrial MACHINES whom of which produce the ships, munitions, and modules for the courageous fighters of New Eden.

War deck enthusiasts: you carebear sacks of crap!!!! War deckers are scared of nullsec, lowsec, and sov space and lack the tactical wherewithal to engage fellow capsuleers in said security systems. These types are sheep and are not to be considered traditional fighter-types.

Nullsec war enthusiasts: have more balls and intelligence than the highsec carebear variants. They have worked hard to attain their own sovereignty, and work hard to maintain it, and even harder to capture new systems and regions. My hat off to you fine folks.

Gankers: Similar to Wardeck carebears yet they are the most tactically intelligent players of anyone in hisec to date. These pilots teach hisec miners how to operate in nullsec, without said miner having to travel to nullsec. If you get ganked, thank them for the lesson.

Ratters, Salvagers and Explorers: These pilots rarely stay in the same place longer than a few days. Responsible for anti-NPC pirate ops, finding the valuable BPC's that arent available on the market, the deadspace, faction, and officer mods, and the materials to produce life-saving rigs. Salvagers are the "garbage collectors of the galaxy"

The "Cloakers": Mysterious and deadly, invisible to the naked eye, unbeknownst to many, are the covert ops, black ops, reconnaisance pilots. These include ninjas, carebears, fighters. and wormhole folk alike. They prefer solitude and will go to great lengths to conceal themselves until their skills and resources are needed

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-04-10 20:23:21
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