

Name Antropy
Ticker UTCI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98339010

Members [0]


Antropy; The Imposition of Order.

The Grand Scheme will come later.

For now, a small group. Honor to the corp. We will fight and die, and learn until we fight and don't die. We will be ruthless and merciless, knowing all the while after every victory, behind the perfunctory trading of "GF" someone will be pounding their keyboard and cursing us.

We will rip and tear at the edges of our larger foes, trap the unwary, pick off the weak, infuriate and annoy them into mistakes, and exploit them.

We will be as implacable and stoic in defeat as in victory, and where one corps mate fights we all fight. Others will respect us, until they learn to fear us. And those of us that come first will be the foundation of what is to come.

Does this sound like you? or the you that you want to be? Ruthless, merciless, implacable, deadly, feared, respected, honor bound, determined, part of a Team with no limits and no fear? If so contact me, jtstud Ovaert and we will talk.

The corp can help create training plans for skills, help with getting you into the ships you want to fly, and help replacing those lost in combat. The corp will help you with fits and PvP tactics and skills.

All levels of pilots are welcome, with full API check, logi and warfare link support is available as well. All that is asked is to be an active particiapant, and honor the corp and your corp mates.

voice comms is TS3, and required.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-02-27 21:16:23
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