

The Vainglorious Corporation
Name The Vainglorious Corporation
Ticker ITVCI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 98342790

Members [0]


Welcome, We want a friendly people that look out for it's members corp and individuals. We believe people do not have to become lost in the game and play as though they have no consideration of others. If this sounds of interest to you we are looking for many new/vet people that are looking for a home.

Currently Recruiting Is Open!

SoE Mission Running
– We offer training and assistance with mission running. Our pilots in our corp and in our alliance can help you learn to take on PVE, assist with fittings and provide advice.

Mining – We offer training and assistance with mining. (Null-sec & High-sec)

Industrial – Learn the process of manufacturing all the items that you see for sale in the market. We can teach you research and invention, planetary interaction, and how to make isk through the market. We have POS's available to use for all industrial needs.

PVP – While we are not a PVP corporation we do run some PVP operations with affiliates and do offer basic training.

We like to point out that we have:
A good (social) base for both new and veteran pilots & 7.0% tax (unlike 11-15% from any NPC corp)

Corporation Leaders:

US. Jerry Rodes
Recruiting Chat: Public TVC
Seeking new & older menbers.

Accepting persons of any EVE experience level!

We welcome all ages in our corporation. No except for pirates, scammers, We also offer many benefits to our Honor and Loyalty members above all else.


– All pilots are required to use.

Teamspeak this is mandatory, it will help you better communicate and learn the game as well as develop interpersonal relationships with our members.

Note: Contract not guaranteed. Don't be afraid to apply, just don't expect us to accept it without speaking to you about yourself.

Furthermore, if we find you have had no activity for more than 1 month without notice, you may be removed. If you return, you may ask to rejoin but it will not be guaranteed.

For more info or to join our corporation send a mail to Jerry Rodes with a little about yourself & what got you into Eve.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-11-30 08:14:20
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