

The Grumpy Bastards
Name The Grumpy Bastards
Ticker 101--
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98344629

Members [0]


"Always Grumpy, All the time!"

You think you've ever been grumpy? The most grumpy you've ever felt is like a minor annoyance compared to what a Grumpy Bastard feels all the time.

One must give pause to the Primarch of our brothers, the The Grumpy Bastards, that great warrior of rage for he hath never fell upon a planet. Nay! Legend has it he was borne upon the ethers and drifts of space, alone in his capsule save for a discarded copy of Playboy that Nashh Kadavr had thrown out, a legendary artifact that hath fueled research into vast weapons of war that it might be unmade and erased from history.

When the capsule had finally been rammed into a drifting hulk of an old Imperial battleship, it is said that the Primarch was so enraged and frustrated with the vile sticky magazine that he headbutted out the Adam's apple of the first worker that he encountered, and thereafter killed every inhabitant with the remnants of the dying initial combatant.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2022-11-25 20:16:31
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