

Web Of Lasting Foundation PACK
Name Web Of Lasting Foundation PACK
Ticker WEB O
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 50%
corporationID 98345271

Members [0]


War Dec Please, I love it when you waste your isk

W.O.L.F Pack is a PvE, R+D, Maunfacturing and Mining operations corp based out of Hi Sec and Low Sec.

To our members we offer

Discount Equipment, instant pay out for mining operations, continuous ore buyback
above the local average, and frequent PvE of all levels.

As a Corp on the edge of high sec, relationships
are our most important asset. We have to rely primarily on our members loyalty, and integrity. We trust our members with our reputation. Because of this we look to form a tight knit, mature community, sharing in each other’s successes, and when necessary avenging each other’s defeats. We are here to form lasting friendships, enjoy a game that we all love, and get rich beyond our wildest dreams in the process.

At this time the Corp offers the Following Programs:

- Weekly Mining Op’s with Orca Support (Both Ice Mining and Ore Mining)

- Freighter Service

- Frequent PvE Operations

- Ore buyback Program

- Manufacturing Support

- Research and development Support

- ME +TE Research, Refining and compression of ore

- Access to Discounted Equipment purchasable through the Corp

Our Corp is relatively fresh and we are looking for enthusiastic people to help mold and shape its future. There are no minimum SP requirements for application, we accept everyone from newbies to Vets. We are currently recruiting new pilots and looking to expand our programs and interests based on the requests and interests of our Corp members.

If you are interested in joining and helping us shape a brand new corporation, please submit an application. Please send us a link to the API key for your character, brief introduction about who you are what you do in real life, as well as your major interest in EvE so that we can connect you with the right people in the corp. If you have any questions you may contact:

Razr Wolfgang
Stonewall Stonewall
Alexander truss
Fly Forth and Conquer

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2018-11-14 20:14:16
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API J:04 Mar 20:36 K:04 Mar 20:33 C:04 Mar 20:40 A:04 Mar 20:37 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:04 Mar 20:35 S:04 Mar 20:37 W:04 Mar 20:15